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by Jennifer S. Pitts

Editor’s Note: A longtime active member and generous volunteer with SCBWI-Los Angeles, Jennifer S. Pitts has played numerous roles in support of members of the regional kidlit community, embarking on her latest one just this year. As the region’s new PAL Liaison, she took a moment to give Kite Tales readers a sense of where she has come from, who she is, and her vision for her latest gig. If you are a PAL member, she is eager to hear your thoughts on the program, to make it most responsive to your needs. Here is her self-interview:

Longtime SCBWI-L.A. volunteer Jennifer S. Pitts is assuming a new role this spring. L.A. PAL members, say hello to your new regional rep.

Tell us a little about yourself and your background.

The library was my babysitter (along with my big brother) for most of my childhood. Escaping for hours into the world of children’s books made me want to be a part of that creative process.

As an adult, I have been a teacher, private school administrator, full-time wife, and mother, and a leader/coordinator of women at my church. Recently, I have returned to being a full-time wife and mother so I can dedicate more time to writing.

What was your introduction to SCBWI, and how long have you been with the organization?

Alexis O’Neal introduced me to SCBWI at a UCLA children’s writing event where she was sharing her insights on writing for children. After her presentation, she made time to chat with me in the hallway. She told me about SCBWI and encouraged me to pursue my dream. I joined SCBWI in 2005 and have been pursuing my dream ever since that lucky encounter with Alexis.

What is your favorite SCBWI event?

The SCBWI-L.A. Working Writers Retreat, hands down! I love the serene setting in the middle of the San Fernando Valley (SFV). The opportunity to spend an entire weekend immersed in the world of writing and networking with peers to improve my craft. Best of all, in 2019, I found my critique group at this event and we are still going strong. 

How did you decide to become a volunteer?

After driving from the SFV to Santa Monica to attend my monthly LitMingle, I jumped at the opportunity to co-lead a LitMingle in the SFV in 2013, eventually graduating to the Mingle Meister, before becoming the PAL (Published and Listed) Liaison.

What does your volunteer role entail?

As the PAL Liaison, I am tasked with providing opportunities for our PAL members to share and promote their work. Currently, we have two events on the 2024 calendar: The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (you can find us at booth 826) and the Orange County Children’s Book Festival. We invite you to come and connect with your SCBWI-L.A. PAL members at one, or both, of these events. We would love to meet you!

Jennifer S. Pitts (right) supporting authors and illustrators exhibiting at Booth 826 during last year’s Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

Tell us a highlight of your volunteer experience.

At one of our LitMingles, we invited a panel of young adult readers for a chance to Pick Their Brains. It remains one of my favorite LitMingles as we were able to hear directly from our intended audience. It was quite beneficial to all who attended.

What do you do when you’re not volunteering?

Write, not as much as I would like. (Does anyone write as much as they would like?) Spend time with my husband, adult children, and our two dogs. I also like gardening, which is mostly me trying to keep things alive. 

Tell us more about the work you create/write.

I am a kid at heart, so I love creating books for middle-grade children.

How has SCBWI helped you as a kidlit creator, or what’s an important thing you’ve learned through SCBWI?

Writing can be a lonely process. SCBWI has helped me find community and to stay consistent in the pursuit of my dream. As Dory of Finding Nemo fame says, “Just keep swimming.”

Do you see any underutilized resources the chapter/region offers that our membership can benefit more from?

I have a soft spot in my heart for LitMingles. Our mingles offer a plethora of free advice that is beneficial to published and pre-published authors and illustrators. All are welcome! You can attend in person or online.

Author or illustrator, you wish more people knew about?

A friend and former critique partner, illustrator Nancy Whitesides, recently joined the ranks of the published. Her work is beautiful! I believe once people see it, they will fall in love with it. 

Your word for the year?

Balance. Defined as an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements achieving balance in a work of art. I believe finding balance will help me discover the perfect harmony so I can see my dreams come true, too.

Outgoing PAL Liaison RS Mellette passes the … sign … on to incoming officeholder, Jennifer S. Pitts. Both volunteered at Writers Day 2024.

Anything else you’d like to tell our readers?

“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.” – William H. Gass

Keep pursuing your dream and soon you, too, will change the world into words.

On behalf of the regional members and leadership, Kite Tales thanks outgoing PAL Liaison RS Mellette for his dedicated service to the SCBWI membership and continued commitment to volunteering on their behalf. PAL members: remember, the PAL Liaison represents you not only at events but also on the regional board. Contact Jennifer at the SCBWI-L.A. PAL email with your questions, thoughts, and ideas about the PAL program.

You can learn more about volunteering with SCBWI and what positions are open from the regional links below. If you want to help foster the local kidlit community, there’s a place for you!

For more fantastic content, community, events, and other professional development opportunities, become a member today! Not sure if there is a chapter in your area? Check here.

Author photo courtesy of Jennifer S. Pitts, LATFoB photo by Molly Rattan, Writers Day photo by Judy Y Faulkner