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nick-morrison-325805-unsplashA week into 2020, are you still working on your goals for the year? If your goals include things like sharing your work/personal successes, being more active in the SCBWI community, increasing your online presence, or helping fellow writers/illustrators by sharing your expertise – then you should consider submitting to Kite Tales!

Here are some of the key ways you can be featured on Kite Tales.

Please note that you must be an SCBWI member for the below opportunities.

  • Great News & Toot Your Horn

If you’d like to have your publishing news, successes, or other noteworthy news featured, log into your SCBWI account and use this form to submit for our next quarter’s publication! You can submit throughout the year, but note Great News and Toot Your Horn are each published once per quarter.

  • Community Corneralexis-brown-82988-unsplash

If you’re an SCBWI member and would like to pitch us a story about how the SCBWI community has influenced your work, introduced you to friends, mentors, and critique partners, or helped you get published, “Community Corner” is the feature for you! Email us for more info. Community Corners articles are 500 words or less and a deadline will be discussed with you if your pitch is approved.

  • Pitch an Article

If you are an SCBWI member with an idea for an article or post, please feel free to email your pitch!

  • Ask the Editor

To ask a question that may be answered in an upcoming Kite Tales “Ask the Editor” feature, please follow this link and fill in the form. You must be logged in to your SCBWI account to access this feature.

  • Illustrator’s Gallery

You don’t have to be a published/professional illustrator to have your work featured in the “Illustrator’s Gallery!” Simply log into your SCBWI account and submit your application via this form. Gallery features are chosen once each quarter. Illustrators may either write a short article to go with them describing their work, a technique or tool they prefer, or their journey as an artist OR answer an email Q&A about those things. Your choice! Articles will be 500 words or less and a deadline will be discussed with you if your submission is approved.

  • #KT250

kaitlyn-baker-422999-unsplashEnter the first 250 words (or less) of your unpublished manuscript for a chance to win a gift certificate, have your entry (and any professional contact info you want to include) published on Kite Tales, have another award title to include in your query letters and author bios, and an increase in your internet and social media presence! Winners are also encouraged to pitch a Kite Tales feature article on a topic of their choice. To enter, log into your SCBWI account and fill out this form. You can find more information about #KT250 here.

  • #KTChat

Calling PAL (Published and Listed) members! Get chosen to write a feature on the Kite Tales blog AND do a live Twitter Q&A where you answer questions from the Twitterverse. To enter this promotion event (exclusive for PAL members), log into your SCBWI member account and fill out this form. You can find more information about #KTChat here.

While these are the key ways you can be featured on Kite Tales, we encourage you to check the blog, Facebook, and Twitter regularly for other great opportunities and events.

So, what opportunities will you take up this year?

We look forward to hearing from you!

For more fantastic content, community, events, and other professional development opportunities, become a member today! Not sure if there is a chapter in your area? Check here.

FarrhaKhan_headshotFarrha Khan is the Managing Editor of Kite Tales, a Los Angeles Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators board member, and a writer in the nonprofit industry. When she’s not advocating for better representation, diversity, and inclusion in the arts and entertainment, media, and tech industries, or championing everyone to tell their own stories, she writes YA and short stories. Connect with her on Twitter: @farrhak.

Stock images by Nick Morrison, Alexis Brown, and Kaitlyn Baker, on Unsplash.