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by Ann Rousseau Smith, SCBWI CenCal News Liaison

Join us for a couple of fun programs this coming November and December. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to write for a small press, be with us in November for our Small Press Webinar. Also, we will be holding a Critique-a Thon, online, in December. Please see the details below for both events.

Working with Small Press Publishers Webinar

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

5:30 pm PST

Join Cardinal Rule Press founder and CEO, Maria Dismondy, and author Claire Annette Noland, in a discussion of working with small press publishers. Learn about opportunities, challenges, submissions, and the pros and cons of small and regional book publishers. Each speaker will share their perspective and give tips and suggestions for building your writing career in this upbeat and encouraging webinar.

Maria Dismondy is an author, publisher, and speaker who writes and publishes books that encourage and inspire. Claire Noland is the author of easy readers, board books, and picture books, including Evie’s Field Day: More than One Way to Win (Cardinal Rule Press, 2020), illustrated by Alicia Teba.

SCBWI CenCal Critique-a-Thon, Online

Saturday, December 10

10:00 am PST

Registration: September 12 – November 12

Manuscript Submission Deadline: December 1

Looking for feedback on your manuscript? Heard you should be in a critique group but not sure where to find one? Join us for SCBWI CenCal’s free Critique-a-Thon Saturday, December 10, at 10am via Zoom. Experienced CenCal PAL (Published and Listed) members will lead small breakout room critique groups based on genres. We’ll also go over how to critique and what to do with feedback, as well as give attendees a chance to meet others who might want to form their own critique groups.

Registration opens September 12 and closes November 12. After registration closes, you’ll be given the list of people to send your pages to so everyone can read one another’s work ahead of time. We’re hoping to keep groups small with 5 or 6 people in each group. You may send up to five pages (no illustrations) and you must follow the SCBWI format found in the SCBWI handbook The Essential Guide to Publishing, which you can download free here SCBWI | The Essential Guide to Publishing for Children. Basically, the guidelines state your pages must be double-spaced with 12 point font and the first page begins one-third of the way down. You must send your five pages to the members of your group by December 1 or you will forfeit your spot. By reading pages ahead of time it will allow for more discussion time during the event.

Mark your calendars and get your pages ready. Contact regional advisor Rebecca Langston-George cencal-ra@scbwi.org with any questions. 

For more details and to register for these events, visit CenCal website (open to all SCBWI members).

For more fantastic content, community, events, and other professional development opportunities, become a member today! Not sure if there is a chapter in your area? Check here.

Author images provided by Maria Dismondy, Claire Annette Noland, and the SCBWI Central-Coastal Region. Stock photos by Pixabay on Pexels.com.